Location: Saucerman, Brunton, Michailova, Mcculloch, 2003 @ fb6bde2fe936 / saucerman_mcculloch_2003.png

Randall Britten <r.britten@auckland.ac.nz>
2010-08-17 19:14:11+12:00
Replaced use of MathML "rem" (i.e. remainder / modulus) for repeated pacing with 10 explicit pacing "pieces". Only paces 10 times though, at spacings of 1 second, duration of 5 milliseconds, as per original MATLAB. This commit has pacing switched off (protocol set to 0). Have tried with pacing on (protocol set to 1), and do get sort of action potentials, but shape and sign seems wrong. If the problem with remainder/modulus is sorted out, just revert this commit out.
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