
  • State: Published

Modular version of Glucose uptake (including water transport)

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Workspace Summary

Expansion the first model by adding water transporters to the model in order to study the cell volume changes and the role of apical GLUT2 in cell volume.
Nima Afshar <>
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Filename Size Date Options
AE1_flux.cellml 20191 2019-07-31 [browse]
Apical_Concentration.cellml 571 2019-07-31 [browse]
Apical_GLUT2_flux.cellml 5956 2019-07-31 [browse]
Apical_Voltage.cellml 3112 2019-07-31 [browse]
BK_flux.cellml 3933 2019-07-31 [browse]
Basol_Voltage.cellml 4709 2019-07-31 [browse]
Basolateral_Concentrations.cellml 12640 2019-07-31 [browse]
CFTR_flux.cellml 3233 2019-07-31 [browse]
CLC2_flux.cellml 3002 2019-07-31 [browse]
Cell_Concentration.cellml 35166 2019-07-31 [browse]
ENaC_flux.cellml 3232 2019-07-31 [browse]
GLUT2_flux.cellml 5937 2019-07-31 [browse]
KCNQ_flux.cellml 3810 2019-07-31 [browse]
NBC_flux.cellml 4754 2019-07-31 [browse]
NHE3_flux.cellml 18058 2019-07-31 [browse]
NaKCC_flux.cellml 3138 2019-07-31 [browse]
NaK_flux.cellml 6489 2019-07-31 [browse]
New_Modular_Model.cellml 33179 2019-07-31 [browse]
New_Modular_Model.sedml 26311 2019-07-31 [browse]
Paracellular_Dif_flux.cellml 8408 2019-07-31 [browse]
Paracellular_Voltage.cellml 734 2019-07-31 [browse]
Parameters.cellml 4779 2019-07-31 [browse]
SGLT1_Rate_Constants.cellml 8633 2019-07-31 [browse]
SGLT1_flux.cellml 39120 2019-07-31 [browse]
Units.cellml 6568 2019-07-31 [browse]