Distribution of a persistent sodium current across the ventricular wall in guinea pigs.

Distribution of a persistent sodium current across the ventricular wall in guinea pigs.

Model Status

This model has been curated and unit-checked and is known to run in COR and PCEnv. This variant is parameterised for the cardiac EPICARDIAL CELL.

Model Structure

This model was based on the paper "Distribution of a Persistent Sodium Current Across theVentricular Wall in Guinea Pigs" by Bernhard F.A.S. Sakmann, Anthony J. Spindler, Simon M. Bryant, Klaus W. Linz and Denis Noble. Reference: Circulation Research 2000 Nov 10;87(10):910-4.

The following is the abstract from the paper: "A tetrodotoxin-sensitive persistent sodium current, IpNa, was found in guinea pig ventricular myocytes bywhole-cell patch clamping. This current was characterized in cells derived from the basal left ventricular subendocardium,midmyocardium, and subepicardium. Midmyocardial cells show a statistically significant (P,0.05) smaller IpNathan subendocardial and subepicardial myocytes. There was no significant difference in IpNa current density betweensubepicardial and subendocardial cells. Computer modeling studies support a role of this current in the dispersion ofaction potential duration across the ventricular wall."