Generated Code
The following is f77 code generated by the CellML API from this CellML file. (Back to language selection)
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C C There are a total of 2 entries in the algebraic variable array. C There are a total of 1 entries in each of the rate and state variable arrays. C There are a total of 7 entries in the constant variable array. C C C VOI is time in component Environment (s). C CONSTS(1) is HR in component Environment (ratepm). C CONSTS(6) is hrf in component Environment (Hz). C CONSTS(2) is PRint in component LVTiming (s). C ALGBRC(1) is beattime in component LVTiming (s). C CONSTS(3) is Esys in component LVElastanceFunction (elastance). C CONSTS(4) is Edia in component LVElastanceFunction (elastance). C CONSTS(5) is TsK in component LVElastanceFunction (s). C CONSTS(7) is Ts in component LVElastanceFunction (s). C ALGBRC(2) is E_LV in component LVElastanceFunction (elastance). C STATES(1) is dummy in component dummy (dimensionless). C RATES(1) is d/dt dummy in component dummy (dimensionless). C SUBROUTINE initConsts(CONSTS, RATES, STATES) REAL CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*) CONSTS(1) = 70 CONSTS(2) = 0.00012 CONSTS(3) = 5.6 CONSTS(4) = 0.19 CONSTS(5) = 0.35 STATES(1) = 10 CONSTS(6) = CONSTS(1)/60.0000 CONSTS(7) = CONSTS(5)* ( 1.00000*CONSTS(6)) ** (1.0 / 2) RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeRates(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) RATES(1) = STATES(1)*- 3.00000 RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeVariables(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) ALGBRC(1) = (VOI - INT(VOI/CONSTS(6))*CONSTS(6)) - CONSTS(2) ALGBRC(2) = TERNRY(ALGBRC(1).GE.0.00000.AND.ALGBRC(1).LE.CONSTS(7), CONSTS(4)+( (CONSTS(3) - CONSTS(4))*(1.00000 - cos(( 3.14159265358979*ALGBRC(1))/CONSTS(7))))/2.00000, TERNRY(ALGBRC(1).LT. 1.50000*CONSTS(7).AND.ALGBRC(1).GE.CONSTS(7), CONSTS(4)+( (CONSTS(3) - CONSTS(4))*(1.00000+cos(( 2.00000* 3.14159265358979*(ALGBRC(1) - CONSTS(7)))/CONSTS(7))))/2.00000, CONSTS(4)) RETURN END REAL FUNCTION TERNRY(TEST, VALA, VALB) LOGICAL TEST REAL VALA, VALB IF (TEST) THEN TERNRY = VALA ELSE TERNRY = VALB ENDIF RETURN END