Location: Kraeutler_Logic_Models @ 3658dba9638e / python_cellml_text / cellmlscript_temp.txt

Shelley Fong <s.fong@auckland.ac.nz>
2021-12-16 14:03:37+13:00
Permanent Source URI:

def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_NE_B1AR_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_B1ARPA_B1AR_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_B1ARPG_B1AR_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_B1AR_GRK_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_B1AR_Gsabg_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_GRK_B1ARPG_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_Gsabg_Gsbg_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_Gsabg_Gsa_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_Gsa_AC_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_AC_cAMP_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_FSK_AC_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_IBMX_PDE_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PDE_cAMP_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_cAMP_PKA_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PKA_PKAR_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PKA_PKAC_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PKI_PKAC_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PP2A_TnI_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PP2A_Inhib1_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PP2A_ICa_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PP2A_RyR_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PKAC_B1ARPA_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PKAC_PLB_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PKAC_IKs_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PKAC_ICa_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PKAC_RyR_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PKAC_TnI_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PKAC_Inhib1_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_Inhib1_PP1_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PP1_RyR_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PP1_ICa_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PP1_IKs_module using comp f_module;
def import using "kraetler_functions.cellml" for
    comp f_PP1_PLB_module using comp f_module;
var NE: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var B1AR: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var GRK: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var B1ARPG: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var B1ARPA: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var Gsabg: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var Gsa: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var Gsbg: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var FSK: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var AC: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var IBMX: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var PDE: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var cAMP: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var PKA: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var PKAR: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var PKI: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var PKAC: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var PP2A: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var IKs: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var ICa: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var RyR: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var Inhib1: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var TnI: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var PLB: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var PP1: mM {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_NE: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_B1AR: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_GRK: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_B1ARPG: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_B1ARPA: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_Gsabg: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_Gsa: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_Gsbg: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_FSK: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_AC: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_IBMX: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_PDE: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_cAMP: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_PKA: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_PKAR: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_PKI: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_PKAC: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_PP2A: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_IKs: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_ICa: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_RyR: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_Inhib1: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_TnI: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_PLB: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var tau_PP1: second {init: 0, pub: out};
var EC50_NE_B1AR: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_B1ARPA_B1AR: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_B1ARPG_B1AR: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_B1AR_GRK: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_B1AR_Gsabg: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_GRK_B1ARPG: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_Gsabg_Gsbg: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_Gsabg_Gsa: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_Gsa_AC: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_AC_cAMP: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_FSK_AC: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_IBMX_PDE: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PDE_cAMP: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_cAMP_PKA: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PKA_PKAR: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PKA_PKAC: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PKI_PKAC: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PP2A_TnI: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PP2A_Inhib1: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PP2A_ICa: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PP2A_RyR: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PKAC_B1ARPA: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PKAC_PLB: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PKAC_IKs: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PKAC_ICa: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PKAC_RyR: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PKAC_TnI: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PKAC_Inhib1: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_Inhib1_PP1: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PP1_RyR: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PP1_ICa: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PP1_IKs: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var EC50_PP1_PLB: dimensionless {init: 0.5, pub: out};
var W_NE_B1AR: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_B1ARPA_B1AR: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_B1ARPG_B1AR: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_B1AR_GRK: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_B1AR_Gsabg: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_GRK_B1ARPG: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_Gsabg_Gsbg: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_Gsabg_Gsa: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_Gsa_AC: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_AC_cAMP: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_FSK_AC: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_IBMX_PDE: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PDE_cAMP: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_cAMP_PKA: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PKA_PKAR: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PKA_PKAC: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PKI_PKAC: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PP2A_TnI: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PP2A_Inhib1: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PP2A_ICa: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PP2A_RyR: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PKAC_B1ARPA: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PKAC_PLB: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PKAC_IKs: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PKAC_ICa: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PKAC_RyR: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PKAC_TnI: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PKAC_Inhib1: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_Inhib1_PP1: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PP1_RyR: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PP1_ICa: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PP1_IKs: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var W_PP1_PLB: dimensionless {init: 1, pub: out};
var f_act_NE_B1AR: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_B1AR_GRK: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_B1AR_Gsabg: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_GRK_B1ARPG: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_Gsabg_Gsbg: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_Gsabg_Gsa: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_Gsa_AC: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_AC_cAMP: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_FSK_AC: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_cAMP_PKA: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_PKA_PKAR: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_PKA_PKAC: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_PKAC_B1ARPA: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_PKAC_PLB: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_PKAC_IKs: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_PKAC_ICa: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_PKAC_RyR: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_PKAC_TnI: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_act_PKAC_Inhib1: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_B1ARPA_B1AR: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_B1ARPG_B1AR: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_IBMX_PDE: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_PDE_cAMP: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_PKI_PKAC: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_PP2A_TnI: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_PP2A_Inhib1: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_PP2A_ICa: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_PP2A_RyR: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_Inhib1_PP1: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_PP1_RyR: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_PP1_ICa: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_PP1_IKs: dimensionless {pub: in};
var f_inh_PP1_PLB: dimensionless {pub: in};
ode(NE, time) = (ppp)/tau_NE;
ode(B1AR, time) = (ppp)/tau_B1AR;
ode(GRK, time) = (ppp)/tau_GRK;
ode(B1ARPG, time) = (ppp)/tau_B1ARPG;
ode(B1ARPA, time) = (ppp)/tau_B1ARPA;
ode(Gsabg, time) = (ppp)/tau_Gsabg;
ode(Gsa, time) = (ppp)/tau_Gsa;
ode(Gsbg, time) = (ppp)/tau_Gsbg;
ode(FSK, time) = (ppp)/tau_FSK;
ode(AC, time) = (ppp)/tau_AC;
ode(IBMX, time) = (ppp)/tau_IBMX;
ode(PDE, time) = (ppp)/tau_PDE;
ode(cAMP, time) = (ppp)/tau_cAMP;
ode(PKA, time) = (ppp)/tau_PKA;
ode(PKAR, time) = (ppp)/tau_PKAR;
ode(PKI, time) = (ppp)/tau_PKI;
ode(PKAC, time) = (ppp)/tau_PKAC;
ode(PP2A, time) = (ppp)/tau_PP2A;
ode(IKs, time) = (ppp)/tau_IKs;
ode(ICa, time) = (ppp)/tau_ICa;
ode(RyR, time) = (ppp)/tau_RyR;
ode(Inhib1, time) = (ppp)/tau_Inhib1;
ode(TnI, time) = (ppp)/tau_TnI;
ode(PLB, time) = (ppp)/tau_PLB;
ode(PP1, time) = (ppp)/tau_PP1;
    def map between env and f_NE_B1AR_module for
        vars W_NE_B1AR and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_NE_B1AR and EC50;
        vars NE and X;
        vars f_act_NE_B1AR and f_act;
    def map between env and f_B1AR_GRK_module for
        vars W_B1AR_GRK and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_B1AR_GRK and EC50;
        vars B1AR and X;
        vars f_act_B1AR_GRK and f_act;
    def map between env and f_B1AR_Gsabg_module for
        vars W_B1AR_Gsabg and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_B1AR_Gsabg and EC50;
        vars B1AR and X;
        vars f_act_B1AR_Gsabg and f_act;
    def map between env and f_GRK_B1ARPG_module for
        vars W_GRK_B1ARPG and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_GRK_B1ARPG and EC50;
        vars GRK and X;
        vars f_act_GRK_B1ARPG and f_act;
    def map between env and f_Gsabg_Gsbg_module for
        vars W_Gsabg_Gsbg and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_Gsabg_Gsbg and EC50;
        vars Gsabg and X;
        vars f_act_Gsabg_Gsbg and f_act;
    def map between env and f_Gsabg_Gsa_module for
        vars W_Gsabg_Gsa and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_Gsabg_Gsa and EC50;
        vars Gsabg and X;
        vars f_act_Gsabg_Gsa and f_act;
    def map between env and f_Gsa_AC_module for
        vars W_Gsa_AC and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_Gsa_AC and EC50;
        vars Gsa and X;
        vars f_act_Gsa_AC and f_act;
    def map between env and f_AC_cAMP_module for
        vars W_AC_cAMP and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_AC_cAMP and EC50;
        vars AC and X;
        vars f_act_AC_cAMP and f_act;
    def map between env and f_FSK_AC_module for
        vars W_FSK_AC and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_FSK_AC and EC50;
        vars FSK and X;
        vars f_act_FSK_AC and f_act;
    def map between env and f_cAMP_PKA_module for
        vars W_cAMP_PKA and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_cAMP_PKA and EC50;
        vars cAMP and X;
        vars f_act_cAMP_PKA and f_act;
    def map between env and f_PKA_PKAR_module for
        vars W_PKA_PKAR and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PKA_PKAR and EC50;
        vars PKA and X;
        vars f_act_PKA_PKAR and f_act;
    def map between env and f_PKA_PKAC_module for
        vars W_PKA_PKAC and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PKA_PKAC and EC50;
        vars PKA and X;
        vars f_act_PKA_PKAC and f_act;
    def map between env and f_PKAC_B1ARPA_module for
        vars W_PKAC_B1ARPA and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PKAC_B1ARPA and EC50;
        vars PKAC and X;
        vars f_act_PKAC_B1ARPA and f_act;
    def map between env and f_PKAC_PLB_module for
        vars W_PKAC_PLB and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PKAC_PLB and EC50;
        vars PKAC and X;
        vars f_act_PKAC_PLB and f_act;
    def map between env and f_PKAC_IKs_module for
        vars W_PKAC_IKs and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PKAC_IKs and EC50;
        vars PKAC and X;
        vars f_act_PKAC_IKs and f_act;
    def map between env and f_PKAC_ICa_module for
        vars W_PKAC_ICa and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PKAC_ICa and EC50;
        vars PKAC and X;
        vars f_act_PKAC_ICa and f_act;
    def map between env and f_PKAC_RyR_module for
        vars W_PKAC_RyR and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PKAC_RyR and EC50;
        vars PKAC and X;
        vars f_act_PKAC_RyR and f_act;
    def map between env and f_PKAC_TnI_module for
        vars W_PKAC_TnI and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PKAC_TnI and EC50;
        vars PKAC and X;
        vars f_act_PKAC_TnI and f_act;
    def map between env and f_PKAC_Inhib1_module for
        vars W_PKAC_Inhib1 and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PKAC_Inhib1 and EC50;
        vars PKAC and X;
        vars f_act_PKAC_Inhib1 and f_act;
    def map between env and f_B1ARPA_B1AR_module for
        vars W_B1ARPA_B1AR and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_B1ARPA_B1AR and EC50;
        vars B1ARPA and X;
        vars f_inh_B1ARPA_B1AR and f_inhib;
    def map between env and f_B1ARPG_B1AR_module for
        vars W_B1ARPG_B1AR and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_B1ARPG_B1AR and EC50;
        vars B1ARPG and X;
        vars f_inh_B1ARPG_B1AR and f_inhib;
    def map between env and f_IBMX_PDE_module for
        vars W_IBMX_PDE and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_IBMX_PDE and EC50;
        vars IBMX and X;
        vars f_inh_IBMX_PDE and f_inhib;
    def map between env and f_PDE_cAMP_module for
        vars W_PDE_cAMP and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PDE_cAMP and EC50;
        vars PDE and X;
        vars f_inh_PDE_cAMP and f_inhib;
    def map between env and f_PKI_PKAC_module for
        vars W_PKI_PKAC and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PKI_PKAC and EC50;
        vars PKI and X;
        vars f_inh_PKI_PKAC and f_inhib;
    def map between env and f_PP2A_TnI_module for
        vars W_PP2A_TnI and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PP2A_TnI and EC50;
        vars PP2A and X;
        vars f_inh_PP2A_TnI and f_inhib;
    def map between env and f_PP2A_Inhib1_module for
        vars W_PP2A_Inhib1 and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PP2A_Inhib1 and EC50;
        vars PP2A and X;
        vars f_inh_PP2A_Inhib1 and f_inhib;
    def map between env and f_PP2A_ICa_module for
        vars W_PP2A_ICa and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PP2A_ICa and EC50;
        vars PP2A and X;
        vars f_inh_PP2A_ICa and f_inhib;
    def map between env and f_PP2A_RyR_module for
        vars W_PP2A_RyR and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PP2A_RyR and EC50;
        vars PP2A and X;
        vars f_inh_PP2A_RyR and f_inhib;
    def map between env and f_Inhib1_PP1_module for
        vars W_Inhib1_PP1 and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_Inhib1_PP1 and EC50;
        vars Inhib1 and X;
        vars f_inh_Inhib1_PP1 and f_inhib;
    def map between env and f_PP1_RyR_module for
        vars W_PP1_RyR and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PP1_RyR and EC50;
        vars PP1 and X;
        vars f_inh_PP1_RyR and f_inhib;
    def map between env and f_PP1_ICa_module for
        vars W_PP1_ICa and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PP1_ICa and EC50;
        vars PP1 and X;
        vars f_inh_PP1_ICa and f_inhib;
    def map between env and f_PP1_IKs_module for
        vars W_PP1_IKs and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PP1_IKs and EC50;
        vars PP1 and X;
        vars f_inh_PP1_IKs and f_inhib;
    def map between env and f_PP1_PLB_module for
        vars W_PP1_PLB and W;
        vars n and n;
        vars EC50_PP1_PLB and EC50;
        vars PP1 and X;
        vars f_inh_PP1_PLB and f_inhib;