Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 1c3a018574af / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / cometd / timesync.js

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2023-04-27 23:14:49-07:00
Updates to get things working with OpenCOR 0.7.1
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 * this file provides the time synchronization extension to cometd.
 * Timesync allows the client and server to exchange time information on every 
 * handshake and connect message so that the client may calculate an approximate
 * offset from it's own clock epoch to that of the server.
 * With each handshake or connect, the extension sends timestamps within the 
 * ext field like: {ext:{timesync:{tc:12345567890},...},...}
 * where ts is the timestamp in ms since 1970 of when the message was sent.
 * A cometd server that supports timesync, should respond with and ext field
 * like: {ext:{timesync:{tc:12345567890,ts:1234567900,p:123},...},...}
 * where ts is the timestamp sent by the client, te is the timestamp on the server
 * of when the message was received and p is the poll duration in ms - ie the
 * time the server took before sending the response.
 * On receipt of the response, the client is able to use current time to determine
 * the total trip time, from which p is subtracted to determine an approximate
 * two way network traversal time. The assumption is made that the network is
 * symmetric for traversal time, so the offset between the two clocks is 
 * ts-tc-(now-tc-p)/2. In practise networks (and the cometd client/server software)
 * is never perfectly symmetric, so accuracy is limited by the difference, which 
 * can be 10s of milliseconds.
 * In order to smooth over any transient fluctuations, the extension keeps a sliding
 * average of the offsets received. By default this is over 10 messages, but this can
 * be changed with the dojox.cometd.timesync._window element.
dojox.cometd.timesync = new function(){

	this._window = 10;// The window size for the sliding average of offset samples.
	this._minWindow = 4;// The window size for the sliding average of offset samples.
	this._offsets = []; // new Array(); // The samples used to calculate the average offset.
	this.offset = 0;	// The offset in ms between the clients clock and the servers clock. Add this to the local
			// time epoch to obtain server time.
	this.samples = 0; // The number of samples used to calculate the offset. If 0, the offset is not valid.
	this.getServerTime = function(){ // return: long
		// Summary:
		//	Calculate the current time on the server
		return new Date().getTime()+this.offset;
	this.getServerDate = function(){ // return: Date
		// Summary:
		//	Calculate the current time on the server
		return new Date(this.getServerTime());
	this.setTimeout = function(/*function*/call, /*long|Date*/atTimeOrDate){
		// Summary:
		//	Set a timeout function relative to server time
		// call:
		//	the function to call when the timeout occurs
		// atTimeOrTime: 
		//	a long timestamp or a Date representing the server time at
		//	which the timeout should occur.
		var ts = (atTimeOrDate instanceof Date) ? atTimeOrDate.getTime() : (0 + atTimeOrDate);
		var tc = ts - this.offset;
		var interval = tc - new Date().getTime();
		if(interval <= 0){
			interval = 1;
		return setTimeout(call,interval);

	this._in = function(/*Object*/msg){
		// Summary:
		//	Handle incoming messages for the timesync extension.
		// description:
		//	Look for ext:{timesync:{}} field and calculate offset if present.
		// msg: 
		//	The incoming bayeux message
		var channel = msg.channel;
		if(channel && channel.indexOf('/meta/') == 0){
			if(msg.ext && msg.ext.timesync){
				var sync = msg.ext.timesync;
				var now = new Date().getTime();
				this._offsets.push(sync.ts - sync.tc - (now - sync.tc - sync.p) / 2);
				if(this._offsets.length > this._window){
				var total = 0;
				for(var i in this._offsets){
				this.offset = parseInt((total / this._offsets.length).toFixed());
				if(this.samples < this._minWindow){
					setTimeout(dojox._scopeName + ".cometd.publish('/meta/ping',null)", 100);
		return msg;

	this._out = function(msg){
		// Summary:
		//	Handle outgoing messages for the timesync extension.
		// description:
		//	Look for handshake and connect messages and add the ext:{timesync:{}} fields
		// msg: 
		//	The outgoing bayeux message
		var channel = msg.channel;
		if(channel && channel.indexOf('/meta/') == 0){
			var now = new Date().getTime();
				msg.ext = {};
			msg.ext.timesync = { tc: now };
		return msg;

dojox.cometd._extendInList.push(dojo.hitch(dojox.cometd.timesync, "_in"));
dojox.cometd._extendOutList.push(dojo.hitch(dojox.cometd.timesync, "_out"));