Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 1c3a018574af / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / fx / README

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2023-04-27 23:14:49-07:00
Updates to get things working with OpenCOR 0.7.1
Permanent Source URI:

Version 1.0.0
Release date: 10/31/2007
Project state:
prototype / experimental 
	Peter Higgins (dante)
	Jonathan Bond-Caron (jbondc@gmail.com)
	Shane O'Sullivan (shaneosullivan1@gmail.com)
	Bryan Forbes (bforbes)

Project description

	dojox.fx provides a class of animation effects to use, and
	other animation and Effects additions to dojo base.


	dojox.fx requires dojo (core) and the dojo.fx package
	dojox.fx.easing requires only dojo core. 
	dojox.fx.scroll requires dojox.fx._core and dojo.fx


	existing API surface: 

	- dojox.fx.crossFade - crossfade two nodes easily
	- dojox.fx.sizeTo - size a node about it's center to a new width/height
	- dojox.fx.slideBy - slide a node by a t,l offset
	- dojox.fx.highlight - animates the background color of a node, and returns
		it to the color it was. 

	(all use standard _Animation properties, like duration, easing, node, etc)

	- dojox.fx._Line - a 2-d _Line implementation, backwards compatible with
		dojo._Line ... you might could safely do something akin to
		dojo._Line.prototype = dojox.fx._Line.prototype;
		and enable this for all dojo _Animations?

	dojox.fx.style: - experimental CSS animation via class definitions
	- dojox.fx.addClass - animate the effects of applying a class to a node
	- dojox.fx.removeClass - "   "    "    "   removing a class from a node
	- dojox.fx.toggleClass - wrapper for addClass/removeClass

	dojox.fx.ext-dojo.NodeList - extensions to dojo.NodeList-fx wrapping the
		relevant dojox.fx animations into dojo.NodeList 

	dojox.fx.Shadow - Class to add drop shadows to a node

Installation instructions

Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository:

Install into the following directory structure:

...which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout.