Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 1c3a018574af / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / layout / ContentPane.js

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2023-04-27 23:14:49-07:00
Updates to get things working with OpenCOR 0.7.1
Permanent Source URI:



(function(){ // private scope, sort of a namespace

	// TODO: should these methods be moved to dojox.html.cssPathAdjust or something?

	// css at-rules must be set before any css declarations according to CSS spec
	// match:
	// @import 'http://dojotoolkit.org/dojo.css';
	// @import 'you/never/thought/' print;
	// @import url("it/would/work") tv, screen;
	// @import url(/did/you/now.css);
	// but not:
	// @namespace dojo "http://dojotoolkit.org/dojo.css"; /* namespace URL should always be a absolute URI */
	// @charset 'utf-8';
	// @media print{ #menuRoot {display:none;} }

	// we adjust all paths that dont start on '/' or contains ':'

		var alphaImageLoader = /(AlphaImageLoader\([^)]*?src=(['"]))(?![a-z]+:|\/)([^\r\n;}]+?)(\2[^)]*\)\s*[;}]?)/g;

	var cssPaths = /(?:(?:@import\s*(['"])(?![a-z]+:|\/)([^\r\n;{]+?)\1)|url\(\s*(['"]?)(?![a-z]+:|\/)([^\r\n;]+?)\3\s*\))([a-z, \s]*[;}]?)/g;

	function adjustCssPaths(cssUrl, cssText){
		//	summary:
		//		adjusts relative paths in cssText to be relative to cssUrl
		//		a path is considered relative if it doesn't start with '/' and not contains ':'
		//	description:
		//		Say we fetch a HTML page from level1/page.html
		//		It has some inline CSS:
		//			@import "css/page.css" tv, screen;
		//			...
		//			background-image: url(images/aplhaimage.png);
		//		as we fetched this HTML and therefore this CSS
		//		from level1/page.html, these paths needs to be adjusted to:
		//			@import 'level1/css/page.css' tv, screen;
		//			...
		//			background-image: url(level1/images/alphaimage.png);
		//		In IE it will also adjust relative paths in AlphaImageLoader()
		//			filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='images/alphaimage.png');
		//		will be adjusted to:
		//			filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='level1/images/alphaimage.png');
		//		Please note that any relative paths in AlphaImageLoader in external css files wont work, as
		//		the paths in AlphaImageLoader is MUST be declared relative to the HTML page,
		//		not relative to the CSS file that declares it

		if(!cssText || !cssUrl){ return; }

		// support the ImageAlphaFilter if it exists, most people use it in IE 6 for transparent PNGs
		// We are NOT going to kill it in IE 7 just because the PNGs work there. Somebody might have
		// other uses for it.
		// If user want to disable css filter in IE6  he/she should
		// unset filter in a declaration that just IE 6 doesn't understands
		// like * > .myselector { filter:none; }
			cssText = cssText.replace(alphaImageLoader, function(ignore, pre, delim, url, post){
				return pre + (new dojo._Url(cssUrl, './'+url).toString()) + post;

		return cssText.replace(cssPaths, function(ignore, delimStr, strUrl, delimUrl, urlUrl, media){
				return '@import "' + (new dojo._Url(cssUrl, './'+strUrl).toString()) + '"' + media;
				return 'url(' + (new dojo._Url(cssUrl, './'+urlUrl).toString()) + ')' + media;

	// attributepaths one tag can have multiple paths, example:
	// <input src="..." style="url(..)"/> or <a style="url(..)" href="..">
	// <img style='filter:progid...AlphaImageLoader(src="noticeTheSrcHereRunsThroughHtmlSrc")' src="img">
	var htmlAttrPaths = /(<[a-z][a-z0-9]*\s[^>]*)(?:(href|src)=(['"]?)([^>]*?)\3|style=(['"]?)([^>]*?)\5)([^>]*>)/gi;

	function adjustHtmlPaths(htmlUrl, cont){
		var url = htmlUrl || "./";

		return cont.replace(htmlAttrPaths,
			function(tag, start, name, delim, relUrl, delim2, cssText, end){
				return start + (name ?
							(name + '=' + delim + (new dojo._Url(url, relUrl).toString()) + delim)
						: ('style=' + delim2 + adjustCssPaths(url, cssText) + delim2)
				) + end;

	function secureForInnerHtml(cont){
		/********* remove <!DOCTYPE.. and <title>..</title> tag **********/
		// khtml is picky about dom faults, you can't attach a <style> or <title> node as child of body
		// must go into head, so we need to cut out those tags
		return cont.replace(/(?:\s*<!DOCTYPE\s[^>]+>|<title[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/title>)/ig, "");

	function snarfStyles(/*String*/cssUrl, /*String*/cont, /*Array*/styles){
		/****************  cut out all <style> and <link rel="stylesheet" href=".."> **************/
		// also return any attributes from this tag (might be a media attribute)
		// if cssUrl is set it will adjust paths accordingly
		styles.attributes = [];

		return cont.replace(/(?:<style([^>]*)>([\s\S]*?)<\/style>|<link\s+(?=[^>]*rel=['"]?stylesheet)([^>]*?href=(['"])([^>]*?)\4[^>\/]*)\/?>)/gi,
			function(ignore, styleAttr, cssText, linkAttr, delim, href){
				// trim attribute
				var i, attr = (styleAttr||linkAttr||"").replace(/^\s*([\s\S]*?)\s*$/i, "$1"); 
					i = styles.push(cssUrl ? adjustCssPaths(cssUrl, cssText) : cssText);
					i = styles.push('@import "' + href + '";')
					attr = attr.replace(/\s*(?:rel|href)=(['"])?[^\s]*\1\s*/gi, ""); // remove rel=... and href=...
					attr = attr.split(/\s+/);// split on both "\n", "\t", " " etc
					var atObj = {}, tmp;
					for(var j = 0, e = attr.length; j < e; j++){
						tmp = attr[j].split('=')// split name='value'
						atObj[tmp[0]] = tmp[1].replace(/^\s*['"]?([\s\S]*?)['"]?\s*$/, "$1"); // trim and remove ''
					styles.attributes[i - 1] = atObj;
				return ""; // squelsh the <style> or <link>

	function snarfScripts(cont, byRef){
		// summary
		//		strips out script tags from cont
		// invoke with 
		//	byRef = {errBack:function(){/*add your download error code here*/, downloadRemote: true(default false)}}
		//	byRef will have {code: 'jscode'} when this scope leaves
		byRef.code = "";

		function download(src){
				// console.debug('downloading',src);
					url: src,
					sync: true,
					load: function(code){
						byRef.code += code+";";
					error: byRef.errBack
		// match <script>, <script type="text/..., but not <script type="dojo(/method)...
		return cont.replace(/<script\s*(?![^>]*type=['"]?dojo)(?:[^>]*?(?:src=(['"]?)([^>]*?)\1[^>]*)?)*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi,
			function(ignore, delim, src, code){
					byRef.code += code;
				return "";

	function evalInGlobal(code, appendNode){
		// we do our own eval here as dojo.eval doesn't eval in global crossbrowser
		// This work X browser but but it relies on a DOM
		// plus it doesn't return anything, thats unrelevant here but not for dojo core
		appendNode = appendNode || dojo.doc.body;
		var n = appendNode.ownerDocument.createElement('script');
		n.type = "text/javascript";
		n.text = code; // DOM 1 says this should work

	dojox.layout.ContentPane.DeferredHandle = {
		// cancel: Function
		cancel: function(){
			// summary: cancel a in flight download

		addOnLoad: function(func){
			// summary: add a callback to the onLoad chain
			// func: Function

		addOnUnload: function(func){
			// summary: add a callback to the onUnload chain
			// func: Function

dojo.declare("dojox.layout.ContentPane", dijit.layout.ContentPane, {
	// summary:
	//		An extended version of dijit.layout.ContentPane
	//		Supports infile scrips and external ones declared by <script src=''
	//		relative path adjustments (content fetched from a different folder)
	//		<style> and <link rel='stylesheet' href='..'> tags,
	//		css paths inside cssText is adjusted (if you set adjustPaths = true)
	//		NOTE that dojo.require in script in the fetched file isn't recommended
	//		Many widgets need to be required at page load to work properly

	// adjustPaths: Boolean
	//		Adjust relative paths in html string content to point to this page
	//		Only usefull if you grab content from a another folder then the current one
	adjustPaths: false,

	// cleanContent: Boolean
	//	summary:
	//		cleans content to make it less likly to generate DOM/JS errors.
	//	description:
	//		usefull if you send contentpane a complete page, instead of a html fragment
	//		scans for 
	//			* style nodes, inserts in Document head
	//			* title Node, remove
	//			* DOCTYPE tag, remove
	//			* `<!-- *JS code here* -->`
	//			* `<![CDATA[ *JS code here* ]]>`
	cleanContent: false,

	// renderStyles: Boolean
	//		trigger/load styles in the content
	renderStyles: false,

	// executeScripts: Boolean
	//		Execute (eval) scripts that is found in the content
	executeScripts: true,

	// scriptHasHooks: Boolean
	//		replace keyword '_container_' in scripts with 'dijit.byId(this.id)'
	// NOTE this name might change in the near future
	scriptHasHooks: false,

	// ioMethod: dojo.xhrGet|dojo.xhrPost
	//		reference to the method that should grab the content
	ioMethod: dojo.xhrGet,
	// ioArgs: Object
	//		makes it possible to add custom args to xhrGet, like ioArgs.headers['X-myHeader'] = 'true'
	ioArgs: {},

	// onLoadDeferred: dojo.Deferred
	//		callbackchain will start when onLoad occurs
	onLoadDeferred: new dojo.Deferred(),

	// onUnloadDeferred: dojo.Deferred
	//		callbackchain will start when onUnload occurs
	onUnloadDeferred: new dojo.Deferred(),

	setHref: function(url){
		// summary: replace current content with url's content
		return ;// dojox.layout.ContentPane.DeferredHandle

	refresh: function(){
		summary: force a re-download of content
		return ;// dojox.layout.ContentPane.DeferredHandle 


	constructor: function(){
		// init per instance properties, initializer doesn't work here because how things is hooked up in dijit._Widget
		this.ioArgs = {};
		this.ioMethod = dojo.xhrGet;
		this.onLoadDeferred = new dojo.Deferred();
		this.onUnloadDeferred = new dojo.Deferred();

	postCreate: function(){
		// override to support loadDeferred

		dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype.postCreate.apply(this, arguments);

	onExecError: function(e){
		// summary
		//		event callback, called on script error or on java handler error
		//		overide and return your own html string if you want a some text 
		//		displayed within the ContentPane

	_attrSetContent: function(data){
			var defObj = this._setUpDeferreds();

		return defObj; // dojox.layout.ContentPane.DeferredHandle

	cancel: function(){
		// summary: cancels a inflight download
		if(this._xhrDfd && this._xhrDfd.fired == -1){
			// we are still in flight, which means we should reset our DeferredHandle
			// otherwise we will trigger onUnLoad chain of the canceled content,
			// the canceled content have never gotten onLoad so it shouldn't get onUnload
			this.onUnloadDeferred = null;
		dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype.cancel.apply(this, arguments);

	_setUpDeferreds: function(){
		var _t = this, cancel = function(){ _t.cancel();	}
		var onLoad = (_t.onLoadDeferred = new dojo.Deferred());
		var onUnload = (_t._nextUnloadDeferred = new dojo.Deferred());
		return {
			cancel: cancel,
			addOnLoad: function(func){onLoad.addCallback(func);},
			addOnUnload: function(func){onUnload.addCallback(func);}

	_onLoadHandler: function(){
		dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype._onLoadHandler.apply(this, arguments);

	_onUnloadHandler: function(){
		this.isLoaded = false;
		this.cancel();// need to cancel so we don't get any inflight suprises

		dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype._onUnloadHandler.apply(this, arguments);

			this.onUnloadDeferred = this._nextUnloadDeferred;

	_onError: function(type, err){
		dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype._onError.apply(this, arguments);

	_prepareLoad: function(forceLoad){
		// sets up for a xhrLoad, load is deferred until widget is showing
		var defObj = this._setUpDeferreds();

		dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype._prepareLoad.apply(this, arguments);

		return defObj;

	_setContent: function(cont){
		// override dijit.layout.ContentPane._setContent, to enable path adjustments
		var styles = [];// init vars
			if(this.adjustPaths && this.href){
				cont = adjustHtmlPaths(this.href, cont);
				cont = secureForInnerHtml(cont);
			if(this.renderStyles || this.cleanContent){
				cont = snarfStyles(this.href, cont, styles);

			// because of a bug in IE, script tags that is first in html hierarchy doesnt make it into the DOM 
			//	when content is innerHTML'ed, so we can't use dojo.query to retrieve scripts from DOM
				var _t = this, code, byRef = {
					downloadRemote: true,
						_t._onError.call(_t, 'Exec', 'Error downloading remote script in "'+_t.id+'"', e);
				cont = snarfScripts(cont, byRef);
				code = byRef.code;

			// rationale for this block:
			// if containerNode/domNode is a table derivate tag, some browsers dont allow innerHTML on those
			var node = (this.containerNode || this.domNode), post, pre = post = '', walk = 0;
				case 'tr':
					pre = '<tr>'; post = '</tr>';
					walk += 1;//fallthrough
				case 'tbody': case 'thead':// children of THEAD is of same type as TBODY
					pre = '<tbody>' + pre; post += '</tbody>';
					walk += 1;// falltrough
				case 'table':
					pre = '<table>' + pre; post += '</table>';
					walk += 1;
				var n = node.ownerDocument.createElement('div');
				n.innerHTML = pre + cont + post;
					n = n.firstChild;
				cont = n.childNodes;

		// render the content
		dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype._setContent.call(this, cont);

		// clear old stylenodes from the DOM
		if(this._styleNodes && this._styleNodes.length){
		// render new style nodes
		if(this.renderStyles && styles && styles.length){

		if(this.executeScripts && code){
				// clean JS from html comments and other crap that browser
				// parser takes care of in a normal page load
				code = code.replace(/(<!--|(?:\/\/)?-->|<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>)/g, '');
				// replace _container_ with dijit.byId(this.id)
				code = code.replace(/_container_(?!\s*=[^=])/g, dijit._scopeName + ".byId('"+this.id+"')");
				evalInGlobal(code, (this.containerNode || this.domNode));
				this._onError('Exec', 'Error eval script in '+this.id+', '+e.message, e);

	_renderStyles: function(styles){
		// insert css from content into document head
		this._styleNodes = [];
		var st, att, cssText, doc = this.domNode.ownerDocument;
		var head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];

		for(var i = 0, e = styles.length; i < e; i++){
			cssText = styles[i]; att = styles.attributes[i];
			st = doc.createElement('style');
			st.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); // this is required in CSS spec!

			for(var x in att){
				st.setAttribute(x, att[x])
			head.appendChild(st); // must insert into DOM before setting cssText

			if(st.styleSheet){ // IE
				st.styleSheet.cssText = cssText;
			}else{ // w3c
