
Below is a listing of model exposures (100 per page | full list)

Schlosser, Selgrade, 2000
Schmid, Nash, Young, Hunter, 2006
Schneider, Shimayoshi, Amano, Matsuda, 2006
Schoeberl, Eichler-Jonsson, Gilles, Muller, 2002
Schuster, Beny, Meister, 2003
SED-ML example
SED-ML simulation for Di Francesco and Noble (1985).
Sedaghat, Sherman, Quon, 2002
Seemann, Sachse, Weib, Dossel, 2003
Shannon, Wang, Puglisi, Weber, Bers, 2004
Shaw, Chase, Starfinger, Smith, Hann, Desaive, Ghuysen, 2007
Shaw, Rudy, 1997
Shi, Korakianitis, Bowles, 2007
Shi, Lawford, Hose, 2010
Shiferaw, Watanabe, Garfinkel, Weiss, Karma, 2003
Shorten, O'Callaghan, Davidson, Soboleva, 2007
Shorten, Robson, McKinnon, Wall, 2000
Shorten, Wall, 2000
Shrestha, Hollot, Chipkin, Schmitt, Chait, 2010
Siebert, Rode, Herzog, Till, Blickhan, 2008
Simple 2nd order linear ODE, a classical mathematical model
Sine approximations in CellML
Single PASMC model (Gosak et al 2014)
Skouibine, Trayanova, Moore, 1999
SLC transporters
SLC transporters
Smith, 1980
Smith, Abdala, Koizumi, Rybak, Paton, 2007
Smith, Chase, Nokes, Shaw, Wake, 2004
Smith, Crampin, 2004
Sneyd, Dufour, 2002
Sneyd, Tsaneva-Atanasova, Bruce, Straub, Giovannucci, Yule, 2003
Sneyd, Tsaneva-Atanasova, Yule, Thompson, Shuttleworth, 2004
Sneyd, Wetton, Charles, Sanderson, 1995
Snyder, Palmer, Moore, 2000
Sobie, Dilly, dos Santos Cruz, Lederer, Jafri, 2002
Soboleva, Vetharaniam, Nixon, Montenegro, Pearson, Sneyd, 2005
Spiro, Parkinson, Othmer, 1997
Splenius Capitis
Spronck, 2012
Sriram, Bernot, Kepes, 2007
St Hilaire, Gronfier, Zeitzer, Klerman, 2007
Standard Virtual Parts Template Library 200906
Starbuck, Wiley, Lauffenburger, 1990
Steady state HMT
Stern, Song, Sham, Yang, Boheler, Rios, 1999
Stewart, Aslanidi, Noble, Noble, Boyett, Zhang, 2009
Stewart, Aslanidi, Noble, Noble, Boyett, Zhang, 2009
Stilianakis, Dietz, Schenzle, 1997
Surkis, Peskin, Tranchina, Leonard, 1998
Sveiczer, Csikasz-Nagy, Gyorffy, Tyson, Novak, 2000
Swanson, True, Lin, Buhler, Vessella, Murray, 2001
Switching from Simple to Complex Oscillations in Calcium Signaling
Synchronized Scene Viewer
Tabak, Mascagni, Bertram, 2010
Tabak, Toporikova, Freeman, Bertram, 2007
Temporalis Left
Temporalis Right
Ten Tusscher, Noble, Noble, Panfilov, 2004
Ten Tusscher, Noble, Noble, Panfilov, 2004
ten Tusscher, Noble, Noble, Panfilov, 2006
ten Tusscher, Panfilov, 2006
ten Tusscher, Panfilov, 2006
Terkildsen, Niederer, Crampin, Hunter, Smith, 2008
Teusink, Westerhoff, Snoep, Passarge, Reijenga, Esgalhado, van der Weijden, Schepper, Walsh, Bakker, van Dam, 2000
Tham, Wang, Soo, Lee, Lee, Yong, Goh, Holford, 2008
The Epithelial Transport
The Glucose-induced Switch Between Glycogen Phosphorylase and Glycogen Synthase in the Liver: Outlines of a Theoretical Approach
The Heijman et al. 2011 model of the canince ventricular AP, with signalling
The Heijman et al. 2011 model of the canince ventricular AP, with signalling
The Lorenz Attractor, a classical mathematical model
The Noble (1962) cell model
The Noble (1962) cell model
The ORd human ventricular action potential model
The Physics of Physiology - Example 1: An electrical circuit
The Physics of Physiology - Example 2: A mechanical system
The Physics of Physiology - Example 3: An electromechanical system
The Physics of Physiology - Example 4: A simple biochemical reaction
The Physics of Physiology - Example 5: A biochemical reaction with mixed stoichiometry
The Physics of Physiology - Example 6: An enzyme-catalyzed reaction and Michaelis-Menten kinetics
The Physics of Physiology - Example 8: Membrane ion channels
The Renal Nephron
The Renal Nephron
Thomas, 2000
Thomsen, Neubig, 1989
Thoracic spine
Thoracic Vertebrae 10
Thoracic Vertebrae 11
Thoracic Vertebrae 12
Thoracic Vertebrae 2