Rendering of the source text

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

<model xmlns="" xmlns:cmeta="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:bqs="" xmlns:cellml="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:vCard="" name="tomida2003" cmeta:id="tomida2003">

<documentation xmlns="">
				<title>NFAT functions as a working memory of Ca2+ signals in decoding Ca2+ oscillation</title>
			<sect1 id="sec_status">
				<title>Model Status</title>
    This CellML version of the model has been checked in COR and PCEnv and it runs in PCEnv to recreate the results in figure 3.  The model will not run in COR because it contains a remainder function.  The units have been checked and they are consistent.
        <sect1 id="sec_structure">
				<title>Model Structure</title>
Abstract: Transcription by the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) is regulated by the frequency of Ca(2+) oscillation. However, why and how Ca(2+) oscillation regulates NFAT activity remain elusive. NFAT is dephosphorylated by Ca(2+)-dependent phosphatase calcineurin and translocates from the cytoplasm to the nucleus to initiate transcription. We analyzed the kinetics of dephosphorylation and translocation of NFAT. We show that Ca(2+)-dependent dephosphorylation proceeds rapidly, while the rephosphorylation and nuclear transport of NFAT proceed slowly. Therefore, after brief Ca(2+) stimulation, dephosphorylated NFAT has a lifetime of several minutes in the cytoplasm. Thus, Ca(2+) oscillation induces a build-up of dephosphorylated NFAT in the cytoplasm, allowing effective nuclear translocation, provided that the oscillation interval is shorter than the lifetime of dephosphorylated NFAT. We also show that Ca(2+) oscillation is more cost-effective in inducing the translocation of NFAT than continuous Ca(2+) signaling. Thus, the lifetime of dephosphorylated NFAT functions as a working memory of Ca(2+) signals and enables the control of NFAT nuclear translocation by the frequency of Ca(2+) oscillation at a reduced cost of Ca(2+) signaling.
The original paper reference is cited below:
				<para>NFAT functions as a working memory of Ca2+ signals in decoding Ca2+ oscillation, Taichiro Tomida, Kenzo Hirose, Azusa Takizawa, Futoshi Shibasaki and Masamitsu Iino, 2003,  
						<emphasis>The EMBO Journal</emphasis>, 22, 3825-3832.  <ulink url=";cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;list_uids=12881417&amp;query_hl=1&amp;itool=pubmed_docsum">PubMed ID: 12881417</ulink>
				<informalfigure float="0" id="fig_reaction_diagram">
								<title>model diagram</title>
							<imagedata fileref="tomida_2003.png"/>
					<caption>Schematic diagram of a model of NFAT translocation. NFAT assumes one of the three states, cytoplasmic phosphorylated, cytoplasmic dephosphorylated or nuclear transported. Rate constants are defined as indicated. The dephosphorylation rate constant (k1) was assumed to be regulated by [Ca2+]i.</caption>
    	***			U	N	I	T	S	    		        ***
  <units name="molecule" base_units="yes" />
  <units name="minute">
    <unit units="second" multiplier="60"/>
  <units name="per_minute">
  	<unit units="minute" exponent="-1"/>
  <units name="molecules_per_minute">
  	<unit units="molecule"/>
	<unit units="minute" exponent="-1"/>

      	***			C   O   M   P   O   N   E   N   T   S				***
    <component name="model">  
    <variable units="minute" name="time"/>
   	<variable units="molecule" name="NFATP_cyt" initial_value="5000"/>
  	<variable units="molecule" name="NFAT_cyt" initial_value="0"/>
	  <variable units="molecule" name="NFAT_nuc" initial_value="0"/>
	  <variable units="molecule" name="NFAT_tot"/>
		<variable units="per_minute" name="k1_unstim" initial_value="0"/>
		<variable units="per_minute" name="k1_stim" initial_value="0.359"/>
		<variable units="per_minute" name="k1"/>
  	<variable units="per_minute" name="k2" initial_value="0.147"/>
		<variable units="per_minute" name="k3" initial_value="0.06"/>
		<variable units="per_minute" name="k4" initial_value="0.035"/>
		<variable units="minute" name="stim_wavelength" initial_value="3"/>
		<variable units="minute" name="stim_duration" initial_value="0.5"/>
		<variable units="dimensionless" name="stim_on"/>
		<!-- in case want to reach steady state with other models -->
		<variable units="minute" name="time_before_stim" initial_value="1"/> 
		<variable units="molecules_per_minute" name="Jdephosphorylation"/>
		<variable units="molecules_per_minute" name="Jtranslocate"/>
		<variable units="molecules_per_minute" name="Jexport"/>
		<variable units="dimensionless" name="percentage_NFAT_cyt"/>
		<variable units="dimensionless" name="percentage_NFATP_cyt"/>
		<variable units="dimensionless" name="percentage_NFAT_nuc"/>
		<!-- anticipating model extension -->
		<math xmlns="" cmeta:id="stim_on_eq">
						<apply id="stim_on_eq">
											<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
																		<ci> time </ci>
																		<ci> time_before_stim </ci>
																<ci> stim_wavelength </ci>
															<ci> stim_duration </ci>
										 <cn cellml:units="dimensionless">0</cn>
		<math xmlns="" cmeta:id="k1_eq">
						<apply id="k1_eq">
													<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
		<math xmlns="" cmeta:id="Jdephosphorylation_eq">
						<apply id="Jdephosphorylation_eq">
		<math xmlns="" cmeta:id="Jtranslocate_eq">
								<apply id="Jtranslocate_eq">
		<math xmlns="" cmeta:id="Jexport_eq">
					<apply id="Jexport_eq">

    <math xmlns="" cmeta:id="NFATP_cyt_eq">
      <apply id="NFATP_cyt_eq">
            <ci> time </ci>
          <ci> NFATP_cyt </ci>
        	<ci> Jexport </ci>
        	<ci> Jdephosphorylation </ci>
		<math xmlns="" cmeta:id="NFAT_cyt_eq">
			<apply id="NFAT_cyt_eq">
            <ci> time </ci>
					<ci> NFAT_cyt </ci>

					<ci> Jdephosphorylation </ci>
					<ci> Jtranslocate </ci>

		<math xmlns="" cmeta:id="NFAT_nuc_eq">
			<apply id="NFAT_nuc_eq">
            <ci> time </ci>
					<ci> NFAT_nuc </ci>

					<ci> Jtranslocate </ci>
					<ci> Jexport </ci>

		<math xmlns="" cmeta:id="NFAT_toteq">
								<apply id="NFAT_totcyteq">
		<math xmlns="" cmeta:id="percentage_NFAT_cyteq">
								<apply id="percentage_NFAT_cyteq">
														<ci> NFAT_cyt </ci>
														<cn cellml:units="dimensionless"> 100 </cn>
												<ci> NFAT_tot </ci>
		<math xmlns="" cmeta:id="percentage_NFATP_cyteq">
								<apply id="percentage_NFATP_cyteq">
														<ci> NFATP_cyt </ci>
														<cn cellml:units="dimensionless"> 100 </cn>
												<ci> NFAT_tot </ci>
		<math xmlns="" cmeta:id="percentage_NFAT_nuceq">
								<apply id="percentage_NFAT_nuceq">
														<ci> NFAT_nuc </ci>
														<cn cellml:units="dimensionless"> 100 </cn>
												<ci> NFAT_tot </ci>
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      The following RDF block contains metadata that applies to this document
      as a whole, as indicated by the empty about attribute on the 
      <rdf:Description> element.
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        The Model Builder Metadata.  The Dublin Core "creator" element is used  
        to indicate the person who translated the model into CellML.
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          <vCard:Orgname>The University of Auckland</vCard:Orgname>
          <vCard:Orgunit>Auckland Bioengineering Institute</vCard:Orgunit>
        The Creation Date metadata. This is the date on which the model
        was translated into CellML.
      <dcterms:created rdf:parseType="Resource">
        The Modification History metadata. This lists the changes that have been
        made to the document, who made the changes, and when they were made.
      The following metadata refers to the model itself, as indicated by the
      reference to the ID "tomida2003", which is    
      declared on the <model> element.
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      <!--  Keyword(s) -->
      <bqs:reference rdf:parseType="Resource">
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              <rdf:li>calcium dynamics</rdf:li>

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            NFAT functions as a working memory of Ca2+ signals in decoding Ca2+ oscillation
          <dcterms:issued rdf:parseType="Resource">
          <bqs:Journal rdf:parseType="Resource">
            <dc:title>European Molecular Biology Organisation Journal</dc:title>