
Voltage ramp experiment

In the Voltage ramp experiment, the Excitation-contraction unit is configured and parameterised with an applied voltage ramp protocol.

You can change the parameters of stimulation in the component Vstim_para, while the ramp voltage signal has 1 mV/s rising rate and the range of variation is from -100 mv to 60 mV in the following simulation.

You can also bypass the parameters in the component model_parameters and initial_conditions and define your own parameters. We defined control_para to alter some parameters such as KCa, 1 ⁄ 2 for this specific experiment.

The simulation experiment can be obtained by loading the corresponding SED-ML document into OpenCOR and executing the simulation.

Sensitivity Analysis for KCa, 1 ⁄ 2

Figure [1] A uses the configurations in Single stimulation experiment and the experiment settings are listed in the following.


Experiment setting.

The Voltage ramp experiment is used to provide a voltage ramp ranging from -100 mv to 60 mV to compute the activation function in plot B.


Sensitivity analysis for KCa, 1 ⁄ 2.